I'm going to move my cobbler server (RHEL6.3, cobbler 2.2.2) to a
network that has default deny on outbound connections.

We are configured to use the following repos:


From our tests running reposync on our open network, it seems that
reposync, by default, uses the Akamai CDN.  I imagine this would make
things very complicated for our firewall, since we can't allow by DNS
(only by IP).

How would you suggest I handle this?  Allow an entire Akamai subnet
(though i don't know how to determine which subnet)?  Configure yum
somehow?  Ideally I'd like to use an HTTP proxy but right now we don't
have one available to us.

I noticed that, at least for up2date, RHN allows one to disable
"Location-aware updates", see:
but I'm not sure if this would affect how reposync operates.  (anyone know?)

Robert Jacobson               robert.c.jacob...@nasa.gov
Lead System Admin       Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO)
Bldg 14, E222                             (301) 286-1591 

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