Hey guys,

 In the course of my experimenting I tried using a default profile (rhel62)
that was created when I imported my centOS distro.

 That almost worked! :)

[root@LCENT01:~] #koan --virt --server cobbler  --profile rhel62-i386
--virt-name vm01 --nogfx
- looking for Cobbler at http://cobbler:80/cobbler_api
- reading URL:
libvirtd (pid  2801) is running...
- warning: old python-virtinst detected, a lot of features will be disabled
- adding disk: /var/lib/libvirt/images//vm01-disk0 of size 5 (driver
- ['virt-install', '--connect', 'qemu:///system', '--name', 'vm01',
'--ram', '512', '--vcpus', '1', '--autostart', '--nographics', '--hvm',
'--location', '', '--arch',
'i386', '--os-variant', 'rhel6', '--disk',
'path=/var/lib/libvirt/images//vm01-disk0,size=5', '--network',
'bridge=xenbr0', '--wait', '0', '--noautoconsole']
usage: virt-install --name NAME --ram RAM STORAGE INSTALL [options]

virt-install: error: no such option: --autostart
command failed (2)

Now I'm not 404'ing (thank god) but I am still getting hung up on the
--autostart 'bug'. James gave me a line in IRC last night on how to work
around this but sadly I've closed my IRC client and I don't remember what
it is.

Could I please get a reminder on that? I'll be sure to stick it in my notes
(aka wiki) this time.

Here's the line I used to create the profile that I was having a problem
with by the way:

cobbler profile add --name=xen32 --distro=rhel62-i386
--kickstart=/var/lib/cobbler/kickstarts/xen.ks --virt-file-size=10
--virt-ram=256 --virt-type=xenpv --virt-cpus=1
--virt-path=/mnt/store/xen/ --repos="Centos6-UPDATES Centos6-EPEL

Not sure if how I created the profile might have been adding to the
troubles I was experiencing last night.

Also speaking to Bob's point I also manage DNS separately from cobbler and
have a bind9 setup with forward and reverse zones that never seems to give
me trouble. It's one of the most reliable setups in this environment,

Thanks once again!
On Sat, Jul 7, 2012 at 11:46 PM, Bob Cochran <bcochra...@verizon.net> wrote:

> James wrote:
> The 404 would seem to be some kind of apache/cobbler/wsgi
> misconfiguration, but isn't what ultimately kills the install.
> ------------------------
> In my case, I have a running DNS server with forward and reverse zones
> defined for the network bits that I am testing with cobbler. Cobbler
> doesn't manage DNS for me, I do all of that separately. It doesn't matter
> whether bind is on the cobbler server or not, as long as the host machines
> that cobbler and koan reside on point to it for name services, and as long
> as all the hosts you are interested in are configured in the forward and
> reverse zone files. And these hosts also need to point to the dns server
> you are using.
> I also have the ServerName parameter in my /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf file
> set up with the hostname of my server (cobbler1.example.com). /etc/hosts
> is also set up properly, and so is the hostname of the server.
> I think there is at least one file in /etc/httpd/conf.d that you have to
> review and uncomment some of the declarations so that cobbler and wsgi work.
> That is all I really needed to do to get cobbler and httpd (apache)
> working together happily.
> Check the error logs in /var/log/httpd and see what they are telling you.
> Fix the problems, restart httpd, and see if you 404 again.
> Also, if you installed cobbler by downloading the code from git and doing
> 'make install'
> did you also do
> 'make webtest'
> I hope all this helps out.
> Bob
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