Hey Guys,

 I've filed a bug report as jimi_c recommended. You can find it here:


And I had the opportunity to work with jimi_c. I followed some steps he
have me where I removed all of the *.pyo and *.pyc files on the koan
directory and edited virtinstall.py to comment out a couple of lines that
he pointed me to:

   1. Change:
   3.     if virt_auto_boot:
   4.         cmd += "--autostart "
   6. to:
   9.     #if virt_auto_boot:
   10.     #    cmd += "--autostart "

   Once I did that I no longer got the koan: error: --virt-auto-boot problem

   But now I am getting a different result:

   [root@LCENT01:~] #koan --virt --server=cobbler --profile=xen32
   - looking for Cobbler at http://cobbler:80/cobbler_api
   - reading URL:
   libvirtd (pid  2801) is running...
   downloading initrd initrd.img to /var/lib/xen/initrd.img_koan
   - reading URL:
   downloading kernel vmlinuz to /var/lib/xen/vmlinuz_koan
   - reading URL:
   - warning: old python-virtinst detected, a lot of features will be
   - adding disk: /mnt/xen//vm01-disk0 of size 10 (driver type=raw)
   - ['virt-install', '--connect', 'xen:///', '--name', 'vm01', '--ram',
   '256', '--vcpus', '1', '--uuid', 'ffdb2c9b-a7b3-aac0-2eb9-18d7d60e9098',
   '--vnc', '--paravirt', '--boot',
'kernel=/var/lib/xen/vmlinuz_koan,initrd=/var/lib/xen/initrd.img_koan,kernel_args=ks= ksdevice=link kssendmac
   lang= text ', '--os-variant', 'rhel6', '--disk',
   'path=/mnt/xen//vm01-disk0,size=10', '--network', 'bridge=xenbr0',
   '--wait', '0', '--noautoconsole']
   usage: virt-install --name NAME --ram RAM STORAGE INSTALL [options]

   virt-install: error: no such option: --boot
   command failed (2)

   It's yet another virt-install error this time complaining about boot

   Here's a report on the profile I'm trying to use -

   [root@VIRTCENT14 ~]# cobbler profile report --name=xen32
   Name                           : xen32
   TFTP Boot Files                : {}
   Comment                        :
   DHCP Tag                       : default
   Distribution                   : rhel62-i386
   Enable gPXE?                   : 0
   Enable PXE Menu?               : 1
   Fetchable Files                : {}
   Kernel Options                 : {}
   Kernel Options (Post Install)  : {}
   Kickstart                      : /var/lib/cobbler/kickstarts/xen.ks
   Kickstart Metadata             : {}
   Management Classes             : []
   Management Parameters          : <<inherit>>
   Name Servers                   : []
   Name Servers Search Path       : []
   Owners                         : ['admin']
   Parent Profile                 :
   Proxy                          :
   Red Hat Management Key         : <<inherit>>
   Red Hat Management Server      : <<inherit>>
   Repos                          : ['Centos6-UPDATES', 'Centos6-REMI']
   Server Override                : <<inherit>>
   Template Files                 : {}
   Virt Auto Boot                 : 0
   Virt Bridge                    : xenbr0
   Virt CPUs                      : 1
   Virt Disk Driver Type          : raw
   Virt File Size(GB)             : 10
   Virt Path                      : /mnt/xen/
   Virt RAM (MB)                  : 256
   Virt Type                      : xenpv

   Not sure where to go from here. It'd be great to get this working.


On Sun, Jul 8, 2012 at 7:21 PM, Tim Dunphy <bluethu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> hey guys,
> thanks once again for getting back to me
> >To disable that, you need to change the virt_auto_boot setting in
> >/etc/cobbler/settings to 0, and restart cobblerd.
> [root@VIRTCENT14 ~]# grep virt_auto_boot /etc/cobbler/settings
> virt_auto_boot: 0
> Ok , did all that...
> back on the client I tried the following and got the same result (with
> iptables turned off on the cobbler server)
> [root@LCENT01:~] #koan --virt --server=cobbler --profile=rhel62-i386
> --virt-name=vm01
> - looking for Cobbler at http://cobbler:80/cobbler_api
> - reading URL:
> install_tree:
> libvirtd (pid  2801) is running...
> - warning: old python-virtinst detected, a lot of features will be disabled
> - adding disk: /var/lib/libvirt/images//vm01-disk0 of size 5 (driver
> type=raw)
> - ['virt-install', '--connect', 'qemu:///system', '--name', 'vm01',
> '--ram', '512', '--vcpus', '1', '--autostart', '--vnc', '--hvm',
> '--location', '', '--arch',
> 'i386', '--os-variant', 'rhel6', '--disk',
> 'path=/var/lib/libvirt/images//vm01-disk0,size=5', '--network',
> 'bridge=xenbr0', '--wait', '0', '--noautoconsole']
> usage: virt-install --name NAME --ram RAM STORAGE INSTALL [options]
> virt-install: error: no such option: --autostart
> command failed (2)
> Got the same result oddly. The way I installed koan on this centos 5.8
> system was to go yum install koan --enablerepo=epel-testing
> Is there any easy way to get a new version than koan-2.2.3-2.el5 onto this
> system? Maybe at least part of  the problem is that the client is centos
> 5.8 and the server is centos 6.2?
> Thanks
> Tim
> On Sun, Jul 8, 2012 at 1:04 PM, James Cammarata <j...@sngx.net> wrote:
>> On Sun, Jul 8, 2012 at 11:58 AM, Bob Cochran <bcochra...@verizon.net>
>> wrote:
>> > [root@LCENT01:~] #koan --virt --server=cobbler --profile=rhel62-i386
>> > --virt-name=vm01 --virt-auto-boot=0
>> >>
>> >> usage: koan [options]
>> >>
>> >> koan: error: --virt-auto-boot option does not take a value
>> >
>> >
>> > Hi Tim,
>> >
>> > The above seems to tell me that you don't have the very latest version
>> of
>> > koan. That seems to be where your problem is. But I don't know enough of
>> > cobbler, or of python programming, or of your installation, to give you
>> good
>> > advice on how to update to the latest version of koan. I have my ideas
>> about
>> > what I would do if I were in your shoes, but my advice could be entirely
>> > wrong, so I'm going to defer to James.
>> Nope, apparently I misunderstood how that value is used (it's a
>> boolean flag only, not a settable option).
>> To disable that, you need to change the virt_auto_boot setting in
>> /etc/cobbler/settings to 0, and restart cobblerd.
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