> So, I'm still seeing a problem with this in that in order to netboot
> machines with static interfaces I need to run "cobbler sync" after checking
> the netboot enable box.  This is a real pain.

The original issue didn't address that. To overcome that issue, we
need some sort of OMAPI implementation to do dynamic DHCP updates. I
have one solution in mind, but the code is GPL3, so I'm not sure what
implications that'd have on the code base.

We had a discussion on that a while back on IRC, and the consensus was
that if I included GPL3+ code it would effectively bump the GPL2+
license that cobbler currently ships with to GPL3+, which would be an
issue for some contributors who's parent companies have stated they
would not use GPL3.

If anyone has further insight into that, I'd love to hear about it, or
if they know of a native python OMAPI implementation that doesn't just
shell out to the ISC omshell command (what cobbler used to do
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