Rats and double rats ... there are only 3 buildTypes but that wasnt the only variable that i was trying this with.

Thanks for the input ... may have to do a re-think on how to get round it .. maybe a wget of a file with the relevant settings which then can be included ...

thx & rgds

Matt B.
On 30/08/12 20:11, Stuart Sears wrote:
On 30/08/12 05:43, Matt Bryant wrote:

I was wondring if someone could point me in the right direction Is it
possible to update a vaiable in kickstart file give user input in a %pre
script. Basically i have a varibale buildType and whilst I can override
the default value of the profile using ksmeta input when adding a system
to cobbler would like to also be able to override given user input from
%pre script.

Have tried just about everything i can think of including creating a
file ks.settings which held the variations

#set global $buildType = "value"
#set global buildType ="value"
#set buildType = "value"
#set $buildType = "value"

then doing a #include but that doesnt seem to work ...

Is there in fact a way this can be done ??

At least not in precisely this manner.
Cheetah's job is over once the kickstart (with all its %pre and %post scripts) has been handed off to the installing system, so templating instructions you create in

You may be able to do with with a boot parameter. Possibly. See below.

I have done this in kickstart scripts themselves, but mostly written in bash, parsing /proc/cmdline. This can get complex very quickly depending on how many options you support.

Thinking about it, it would be really nice if there was a simple way to do that via cobbler - appending kernel boot parameters to ksmeta or similar. Or does this already happen? I'd be surprised. It's probably very difficult to do, I don't imagine that cobbler sees anything but the HTTP request for a kickstart based on system/profile etc.

How many build types are there?

would it make more sense to use subprofiles per build type, then provide them in the PXE (or ISO) menu?



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