On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 10:16 AM, Chris Doherty
<chris.dohe...@ca.flextronics.com> wrote:
> Hello, all.  I'm having a bit of a problem with Cobbler deploying Ubuntu
> Precise (12.04.01, x86_64) Server.
> Using the packages straight from the Precise repositories.  Cobbler's
> working just fine for the hands-off preseeded install, but I need to
> configure Puppet slightly before first boot. (Note that Puppet
> specifically has nothing to do with this, it's just the exemplar).
> I'm trying to pass /etc/puppet/puppet/conf and /etc/default/puppet in
> via cobbler so that puppet will pick them up when the system reboots.
> Although I'm not receiving any errors, the files are not showing up on
> the client.

Most likely the reason is the preseed you're using is not grabbing the
files in the late command. A snippet was recently contributed (and is
in the master branch on github) named download_config_files_deb, which
can be used in the late command directive for grabbing the defined
templated files. Grab that, and make sure it's included in your late
command (also look at the latest sample.seed in master), as follows:

d-i preseed/late_command string chroot /target sh -c ' \
'; \
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