* James Cammarata <j...@sngx.net> [2012-09-29 19:38]:
> On Sat, Sep 29, 2012 at 7:07 PM, Jakov Sosic <jso...@srce.hr> wrote:
> > Hi.
> >
> > I'm trying to import output of cobbler commands to Ruby in some
> > structured way...
> >
> > I'm interested in 'interfaces', so for example:
> >
> > # cobbler system dumpvars --name=koji.srce.hr | grep interfaces
> > interfaces : {'eth0': {'ipv6_address': '', 'interface_type': '',
> > 'static': False, 'owner': 'vm-node001', 'enable_gpxe': 0,
> > 'bonding_master': '', 'gateway': '', 'subnet': '',
> > 'management': False, 'interface_master': '', 'hostname': 'vm-node001',
> > 'filename': '/pxelinux.0', 'bridge_opts': '', 'mac_address':
> > '00:50:56:b0:00:26', 'netboot_enabled': False, 'distro': {'comment': '',
> > 'kernel': '/distros/CentOS-6.3-x86_64/images/pxeboot/vmlinuz', 'uid':
> > 'MTM0ODc0NzE1Ni4zODk1MjAzNDkuNTcyMg', 'kernel_options_post': {},
> > 'redhat_management_key': '<<inherit>>', 'kernel_options': {},
> > 'redhat_management_server': '<<inherit>>', 'initrd':
> > '/distros/CentOS-6.3-x86_64/images/pxeboot/initrd.img', 'mtime':
> > 1348747156.380496, 'template_files': {}, 'ks_meta': {}, 'boot_files':
> > {}, 'breed': 'redhat', 'os_version': 'generic26', 'mgmt_classes': [],
> > 'fetchable_files': {}, 'tree_build_time': 0, 'arch': 'x86_64', 'name':
> > 'CentOS-6.3-x86_64', 'owners': ['admin'], 'ctime': 1348747156.380496,
> > 'source_repos': [], 'depth': 0}, 'virt_bridge': '', 'bonding': '',
> > 'bonding_opts': '', 'ipv6_mtu': '', 'ip_address': '', 'dhcp_tag':
> > '', 'name': 'vm-node001', 'static_routes': [], 'ipv6_static_routes': [],
> > 'dns_name': 'vm-node001', 'netmask': '', 'mtu': '', 'ipv6_secondaries':
> > [], 'next_server': '', 'ipv6_default_gateway': ''}}
> >
> >
> > Any ideas how to parse it easily without braking my neck trying to
> > dismantle it by regexps? Is this maybe JSON or something similar?
> It is JSON, so just parse it as such. Alternatively, you could use a
> ruby XMLRPC library to connect to cobblerd directly and get the
> objects via the API, rather than shell out to the command line.

I think it's actually a dump of a python dict, not JSON proper.  Don't
forget cobbler is primarily written in python.

I don't know offhand if there are any python-based tools to take a text
output of a dict and reconstruct it into a proper dict object or not.

David Rock

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