On Fri, Nov 16, 2012 at 12:14 AM, Zack Perry <zack.pe...@sbcglobal.net>wrote:

> My cobbler 2.4.0 test install of Ubuntu 12.10 desktop x86_64 and server
> x86_64 both failed at "Install the system step".
> For desktop: the complain is a corrupted Packages.gz.  The complain
> persisted even after I mounted the original iso, and copied the Packages.gz
> to the
> /var/www/cobbler/ks_mirror/ubuntu-12.10-desktop-x86_64/dists/quantal/main/binary-amd64

That is a known issue with the x86_64 ISO currently available (date of
10/17 I believe). I think Jorgen had a workaround that he shared on the
mailing list, beyond that it's broken on Ubuntu's end.
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