
I'm stuck with a little problem I hope someone here can help me to solve

We have a multi-site environment.
A central Cobbler server, used accross sites.
DHCP on each site is not managed by us (though we can PXE boot all the
machines and have them contact our central Cobbler server)

What I want is to automatically set a "location" variable, based on the
machine's IP address (as seen by Cobbler)
I want to use profile based installs only.
I don't want to declare all my systems wit "cobbler system add ..." commands
Besides being an extra burden, it would also require to assign a profile to
the system.
I don't want that, and want the client to select the OS it wants from the
boot menu

Currently I generate a profile per site and per distribution, like

and I parse the $profile_name to get the location

What I'd like instead is even more generic profiles, distribution-specific
only, like

and have the location variable set to siteA or siteB accordingly, and use
that variable in my kickstart, mostly for
url --url http://repo-${location}/path/to/distro

to use the local mirror copies of the repositories, as well as a couple of
other things, like setting the timezone

To do that I need the client IP address.

The problem I'm facing is that server_name or ip_address are blank, when
retrieved with getvar
My understanding is that it's because I don't have a system created for
each machine with "cobbler add system .."

Cobbler necessarilly sees the IP address of the machine it's deploying at
some point.
I see it in my apache log files when the client makes a GET request to get
its kickstart file, but I can't use it from there.

I thought it's maybe possible to plug this logic in a pre install trigger,
but haven't figured out how to get the IP this way, and how to pass it

Is there a way to get the IP address of the client in a profile based
install, and to use it in the templating engine?

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