On 01/29/2015 05:02 PM, Magee, Fred wrote:

I am running Cobbler 2.6.3 and I have mounted the source directory on /mnt. My ISO is rhel-server-5.11-i386-dvd.iso. When I run cobbler import I get:

cobbler import --path=/mnt --name redhat

task started: 2015-01-29_115144_import

task started (id=Media import, time=Thu Jan 29 11:51:44 2015)

No signature matched in /var/www/cobbler/ks_mirror/redhat


The relevant section of distro_signatures.json is:

"redhat": {

  "rhel5": {







    "supported_repo_breeds":["rsync", "rhn", "yum"],









What am I missing for import to recognize the signature for this release?

I'd guess Cobbler is not finding the signature dir (one of the values in signatures list) or the version file
in the mounted ISO.

Task log is in /var/log/cobbler/tasks. Could you paste this task log in a pastebin and send us its URL?
Then I can help further.

Alan Evangelista

cobbler mailing list

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