I find it easier to put a SNIPPET to start post logging.  In the kickstart:

    mv -f /mnt/sysimage/root/ks-post.log /mnt/sysimage/root/ks-post.log.old

The snippet "log_ks_post" contains:

    set -x -v
    exec 1>/root/ks-post.log 2>&1

That way every snippet after %post will get logged to /root/ks-post.log

On 2015-10-29 5:52 PM, Locane wrote:
> Yes - you should be able to simply put any bash commands you want to
> run after the installation is finished in the "%post" section of the
> kickstart file.  It's helpful to set up some logging of it so you can
> analyze after the fact what it did and didn't do.

Robert Jacobson               robert.c.jacob...@nasa.gov
Lead System Admin       Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO)
Bldg 14, E222                             (301) 286-1591 

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