
    I am running cobbler 2.8 on a Physical machine with RHEL 7.1.  The 
kickstart and the OS to be loaded are served by http running on the same 
server.  I have a similar combination of cobbler server and target vm on the 
vmware infrastructure.  The OS loads fine within the vmware infrastructure.  
Same cobbler version, same kickstart, same OS contents...everything's fine.  

   However, on the physical machines, I used to have issues where the target 
machine would just hang downloading the initrd.img file, but now that seems to 
have magically resolved itself.  There are 490 packages to be installed and 
upon each reboot, a different package hangs while installation.  The message is 
"The file xyz.rpm cannot be opened. This is due to a missing file, a corrupt 
package or corrupt media".  Each reboot stops at a different percentage 
pointing to a different rpm.  

Any help is much appreciated.  Thanks.

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