Dear Cobirders,
        Given that the Campo Lek is closed this year, I thought this would be  
pertinent.  I finally headed down to Elkhart, KS to watch natures very  
own chicken fighting yesterday (3/23).  I had intended to arrive in  
Elkhart last evening and scope out the east lek in preparation for the  
pre-dawn drive.  I drove up to the blind around 6:00 PM (Central Time,  
don't forget!) and looked around.  I initially didn't see any birds,  
but something about one of the Yucca's didn't look right.  I waited a  
few more minutes and that something behind the Yucca stood up --- a  
Lesser Prairie-Chicken!  Within a few more minutes, this Chicken was  
displaying; the sounds of his display attracted other males and soon  
there were 10 displaying Lesser Prairie-Chickens.  The displays went  
on until after sunset and just after 8:00 PM a Burrowing Owl emerged  
from a burrow less than a foot from two displaying males.  The owl  
began cooo-cooing and the Prairie-Chicken display immediately stopped,  
all Chickens frozen in place.  After a brief stomping and leaning-over  
dance, the owl headed back underground.  Most of the Prairie-Chickens  
flew off east into the short-grass prairie and I left, happy that I  
didn't have to wake up early on the 24th.

The next morning (3/24), I headed out to the Cimarron Recreational  
Area and birded the riparian corridor.  More Lesser Prairie-Chickens  
could be heard displaying north of the river and many species of  
Sparrow were present including White-crowned Sparrow (gambelli), Song  
Sparrow, Vesper Sparrow and two Swamp Sparrows.  Other birds such as  
Wild Turkey were common and a found a small covey of 4 Quail that  
quickly headed for cover, unidentified (likely Scaled Quail).

SInce I need some Colorado birding to make this relevant, I stopped by  
the Community College Woods in Lamar.  I failed to relocate the  
Northern Cardinal, Carolina Wren of the Red-bellied Woodpecker.  I did  
find many Marsh Wrens and one Eastern Phoebe in the southern section  
of the woods; I don't know if this is early or unusual for Lamar.

Walter Szeliga
Boulder, CO

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