
There are a lot of out-of-state chicken-watchers dodging snow showers in
CO this month.  Besides looking for chickens, they will be trying to see
other species that might not be found in their home state, so maybe
consider reporting western specialty birds that you might not otherwise
post to COBIRDs during April.

Today at Big Johnson Reservoir.

Peregrine Falcon - 1 - fence post on north shore
Eared and Horned Grebes, mostly Horned, but a couple of Eareds very close
to the parking area
American Avocets - 10+, far shore
Franklin's and California Gulls, distant, but flying around some
Big flock of dark ibis, far shore and overhead.
Common Loon - 2 in nice looking plumage
Cinnamon Teal - 3, far shore
Burrowing Owl - 1, only visible from Powers Blvd. or after a long walk to
the north side of Big J.
Tree and Violet-green Swallows - small group out over the reservoir
Rock Wren - on Blue Stem Prairie Trail on north side

Fountain Creek Regional Park

WINTER WREN - 1 - Mile marker 18, real skulker under two large fallen
parallel logs with sprouting willow stems at one end, best reached from
Willow Springs Parking Area.
Black-crowned Night-Heron - 2 - Rice's Pond
Snowy Egret - 1 - Rice's Pond 

Yesterday, Glen Eyrie (Navigators), adjacent to Garden of the Gods - open
Mon.- Thurs. 9 A.M. - 4 P.M. with free registration required, ask for
hiking pass.

Prairie Falcon - screaming around near Echo Rock Picnic Area
White-throated Swifts - at least 25, some doing courtship flights
Rock Wren - 1 - Echo Rock Picnic area
Wild Turkey - 6 with one gobbling, tail-fanning Tom, "Pink House Lawn"
Townsend's Solitaire - 2 - William's Canyon
Golden Eagle - 2  over Echo Rock Picnic Area
Great Horned Owl - two duetting in Echo Rock Picnic Area
Canyon Wrens - calling in most of the red rock areas

Bill Maynard
Colorado Springs
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