

We had a very good day at Fountain Creek Regional Park's Spring Bird Count.  
Twenty-eight birders participated in the count from 7:30 - 10:30 and several of 
us birded into mid-afternoon refinding good birds and seeing additional 
species.  Right now we are at 98 species for the day, including 11 warblers.  
If we counted Wild Turkey tracks and an unidentified Empid we would be at 100.  
We also have completely missed some species such as Ped-billed Grebe, Cliff 
Swallow, Ruby-crowned Kinglet ...  I do not have all the numbers added up yet.  
The numbers listed below are fairly accurate.  We also like to include birds 
sighted for the three days before and three days after.  If any has any new 
birds to add to the list, please send me an e-mail.


Best species for the day are:


Western Grebe 1

American White Pelican 4

Solitary Sandpiper 1

Spotted Sandpiper - 6+

Least Sandpiper - 1

Semi-palmated Sandpiper - 1

Least Flycatcher - 2+

Ash-throated Flycatcher - 1  Area 7 south end of park

Eastern Kingbird - 1

Bushtit - 1

Marsh Wren - 1

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher - 

Swainson's Thrush - many

Hermit Thrush - a few

Gray Catbird - 1

Orange-crowned Warbler - several

Virginia's Warbler - 1  Area 5

Yellow Warbler - many

Magnolia Warbler -2   Area 3 and 4

Yellow-rumped Warbler - many, but not like last week

Black-and-white Warbler - 1 reported by a couple from Texas this afternoon, 
Area 4

American Redstart - 1  Area 4

Northern Waterthrush - 1  Area 7

Common Yellowthroat - 2+

Wilson's Warbler - not many

Yellow-breasted Chat - 1  Area 5

Summer Tanager -1 (reported earlier on Cobirds by Dave Elwonger)  Area 4

Scarlet Tanager -1   Area 2

Green-tailed Towhee - 3+

Chipping Sparrows - lots

Clay-colored Sparrow - 2+  Area 5

Lark Sparrow -

Lincoln's Sparrow - 2+

Dark-eyed Junco (Gray-headed race) -1

Rose-breasted Grosbeak - 1  Area 1

Lazuli Bunting - 8+

Indigo Bunting - 2   Area 4 & 7

Great-tailed Grackle - 1 

Pine Siskin - 


Good Birding,

Ken Pals

El Paso County Parks


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