Hi birders,

As expressed by others today, the Spizella fallout was unlike anything
I had seen since the wet spring of '95 along Boulder Creek. Hundreds
of Brewer's, Clay-colored, and Chipping (the least common today)
Sparrows were flocking in and gleaning the willows along the St. Vrain
between Golden Ponds and Issac Walton Park. Groups of Brewer's were
counter singing their canary-like song in the coyote willows in the
channel, while others were jointed by Lark Sparrows and mixed Spizella
flocks and Canada Geese foraging along the gravel trails and weedy
grasses at Roger's Grove. A great way to study the subtle field marks
of these species. It was amazing just how many there were.

Other sightings included a vireo that was quite Cassin's-like, several
Empids, many Swainson's Thrushes, a lone male Lark Bunting, many
Lincoln's Sparrows, Western Tanagers, Bullock's Orioles with my totals
ending at about 70 species. Tomorrow might still be good before the
weather clears.

Best sighting last week was a young mountain lion!

Good birding, etc.

Scott Severs
SW Longmont, CO

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