Eastlake Park in Adams County had some good migrants when I explored it this
afternoon for about an hour. The park has a good-sized reservoir with lots
of cattails, a variety of trees and a grassy meadow.  On  a sunny May 11
afternoon I found:


Yellow-headed blackbirds (FOS)

Red wing blackbirds

Western tanager, male

Yellow warbler

Chipping sparrows and possibly other spizella sp. foraging in 10 inch tall

American avocet  (only shorebird visible on the far shore)

Ruddy duck pairs with several males showing off their bright blue bills and
stiff tails

Red head ducks



Barn swallows

>From I-25, exit at 120th Ave. and go east about a mile to Claude Ct. (past
Washington St). Turn left (N)  on Claude and follow the railroad tracks to
124. Go east or right on 124th Avenue to Fillmore St. You will see tennis
courts on the corner. Turn north (left) on Fillmore and park at the dead
end.  Watch for sparrows in the trees along the street.  An asphalt  trail
leads past a marsh on the left to the reservoir beyond the greenbelt. 


Good Birding,



Peggy Gonder, APR

Gonder Public Relations

Communications & Marketing

303-321-3465 office



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