When I got to Lake DeWeese this afternoon, two other birders had already
been there loeoking for the Reddish Egret without success.  I looked for
awhile then went to town for a sandwich.  After some birding around
Westcliffe, I returned this evening to see if the Reddish Egret might have
returned but there was no sign of it.  However it was a beautiful day to be
in the mountains with temps in the lows 80's.  And there were good numbers
of shorebirds at Lake DeWeese for the middle of summer.

I was surprised to be told there was a Stilt Sandpiper there.  Not only did
I refind it, but I found a second Stilt and was able to see (barely) the
reddish cheeks on them.   Other shorebirds were Baird's,Least, Semipalmated
and Spotted Sandpipers, several whirling-dervish Wilson's Phalaropes and at
least 2 Greater Yellowlegs.  Western Grebes were being followed by offspring
as were Mallards and Canada Geese.  I saw one Eared Grebe in it's striking
Alternate Plumage.  There were also about 2 dozen American White Pelicans in
what I wasn't aware is called "supplemental plumage" by BNA--".Crown and
nape plumes shed, replaced by short medium to dark grayish feathers on crown
(and nape on some individuals); crown plumage highly variable among

In fields around the Wet Mountain Valley were Brewers, Savannah, and Vesper
Sparrows and Horned Larks plus a Prairie Falcon and a Northern Harrier.
The Vesper Sparrows were singing up a storm as evening approached--they are
such beautiful singers.  I got some interesting photos of them including one
with wings raised just as it was about to fly off and I will get those up on
my blog by tomorrow.

On my way home I heard a flock of Pinyon Jays off Copper Gulch Road about 5
miles from the reservoir.  Lots of Mountain and Western Bluebirds on the
fence posts.

SeEtta Moss
Canon City

Colorado County Birding:  http://www.coloradocountybirding.com/

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