I refound   the Yellow-throated Warbler and Common Yellowthroat at  
8:30 this morning.  Connie Kogler spotted it twice before I left about  
9:00.  The Yt Warbler was feeding high in ponderosa pines in the end  
50 yards of Pine Point.  I'll post a photo later today.
David Waltman
Sent from my iPod

On Oct 22, 2009, at 6:22 PM, Roederer Scott <osp...@estesvalley.net>  

> CObirders,
> The yellow-throated warbler is still at the bird sanctuary at Lake
> Estes. It has apparently moved and taken up with a comely American
> Redstart. Yesterday afternoon and today, the bird was found on Pine
> Point. A trail just east of the pond leads to that area.
> I'll quit trying to guess how long it will stay. Last year about this
> time a pine warbler showed up at a feeder and stayed for the Christmas
> Bird Count.
> With the migration of birders back to the sanctuary, other warblers
> have been spotted, including a male Wilson's and a female common
> yellowthroat. Throw in the yellow-rumps and you have a surprising
> October assortment.
> Meanwhile, Julie and I added a yard bird today when a white-throated
> sparrow appeared. That's #113, if you let me count the chukar and the
> dead sora found in the drive (it had to be alive to get there,
> right?). How about one out of the two?
> Scott Roederer
> Estes Park
> >

Colorado Field Ornithologists: http://www.cfo-link.org/
Colorado County Birding:  http://www.coloradocountybirding.com/

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