Ron, et al.,

Very interesting that van was from South Suburban Parks and Rec.  Probably 
embarrassing for them to have their logo "parked" illegally (and unethically).

So, I suppose another thing "not to do" is use a logo-ed vehicle!

Gary Brower
Englewood, CO

On Jan 15, 2010, at 11:32 AM, Ronald Green wrote:

> The following link will take you to my web site that presents two images of 
> exactly what Tom Wilberding’s email yesterday was addressing with regards to 
> all of us making respectful choices when visiting the owl. Essentially, I had 
> been there since early morning. Anyone that visited the bird while I was 
> there showed the appropriate amount of courtesy to the bird, the community, 
> and others there watching and photographing. This was at least until a van 
> had shown up. It pulled up down the way from me and stopped in the road and 
> people got out. I thought that once everyone disembarked it would have move 
> off on to the shoulder, at least until I saw the driver get out and then 
> close his door and join the others. I then pulled ahead and very politely 
> suggested that they move the van out of the road as a courtesy and to avoid 
> complaints. I was met with a response by a number of people that suggested 
> they both understood and agreed that was the appropriate thing to do. So I 
> drove on. I happened to drive by about 9 minutes later and the van was still 
> sitting in the road.
> I am not sure why the driver elected to leave the van parked in the road and 
> maybe he could offer some very good reasons why it needed to be there. 
> Regardless of what they were, that choice increases the risks of complaints 
> being lodged by those people living there resulting in undesirable 
> restrictions or access being placed upon those desiring to visit and view and 
> photograph the bird. I hope that we would all take this as an example that 
> what Tom was referring to is happening and we need to not only manage our own 
> behavior, but assertively encourage others to do so as well. Thanks for your 
> time.
> Ron Green
> Scencic, Nature, and Wildlife Photography
> p.s. I apologize for the blurry images. When I took them I was unaware that I 
> had bumped a dial on my camera and changed the setting.

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