The DFO (Denver Field Orntihologists) does do a few trips on Thursdays. 
March 4, we go to Canon City.
All birders are welcome.
Only fee is your share of gas (ranging from fifteen to twenty five dollars).
Best Wishes and Good Birding Always:  Charles Thornton-Kolbe, DFO President
Details on Canon City Trip on March 4, 2010:
Meet ten minutes before 6 AM at the Park 'n Ride off of I-25 at Yale Ave. (from 
I-25 from the north and heading south take the Yale Exit and turn right at 
Yale, then an immediate right turn into the parking lot).  We will form 
carpools at the Park N Ride in the parking lot area farthest from Yale Avenue.  
Please get there by 5:50 AM.
This is a DFO trip with no RSVP, but we will leave on time (6 AM).  
The last time we took this trip we found some very cool birds including 
Golden-crowned Sparrow, Harris’ Sparrow, Ladder-backed Woodpecker, all three 
blue birds, and Juniper Titmouse.  Rufous-crowned Sparrow is possible along 
with a lot more.  We may even sneak in Lewis’ Woodpecker at Louviers, but I 
have to be back to Denver at 5 PM.
1.             We will leave at 6 AM from the I-25 and Yale Park N Ride.  
Carpooling is nearly required unless you have a really good reason for birding 
only part of the day.  
2.             Plan to split car pooling costs per Denver Field Ornithologists 
guidelines (something like 30 cents per mile and divided by number of people in 
the car).   Trip charge will likely be $75.00 per car as we are going about 250 
miles.  So consider bringing $15.00 to $25.00 for your gas share.  $5.00 bills 
are much appreciated.
3.             Plan to eat breakfast while in the car and/or before arriving 
(which is better).
4.             We should arrive in Canon City by about 8:00 AM to 8:30 AM 
(given 1 or 2 quick bathroom breaks, good driving and limited traffic issues).
5.             We will likely hit many of the Canon City area highlight spots 
in the morning, including Tunnel Drive (few hours), the river walk (1 to 2 
6.             At noon we will grab lunch, and then do some birding at the low 
birding time of the day between noon and 2 PM.  There is some nice pinyon 
juniper habitat with some slightly denser forested areas slipped in (this is 
where we got the blue birds and Ladder-backed Woodpecker).  We also found 
Juniper Titmouse here.
7.             At 2 PM, I need to head back to Denver in whatever car I am in.  
The rest of you all can hang back for a few more hours or try for the Lewis’ 
Woodpecker at Louviers (Meredith seems keen on this).
8.             Ira Sanders is a co-leader in case the group booms too much.  
For the record, he is a better North American birder than me, and he can be a 
bunch of help.
9.             Bring:  Layers of clothing and coats (including rain gear), 
binoculars, scope (if you have one), lunch, snack, beverages.  Bring breakfast 
if you have not eaten before leaving.  Also two way radio and cell phones can 
be helpful to support car-to-car communication.
10.           If Snow on Monument Pass or Other Travel Worries:  Alternative is 
Boulder County or who knows what else.

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