Hello, Birders.
In the past 5 days, there have been more than 50 postings to COBirds, with 
essential details on such matters as:
* Yellow-crowned Night-Heron at Fountain Creek, El Paso County
* Yellow-throated Vireo at Chatfield State Park, Douglas County
* Northern Parula at various locations statewide
* Hooded Warbler at Chico Basin Ranch, El Paso County
* Golden-crowned Sparrow continuing in Fremont County
All this info comes to you from COBirds.
And the great thing is, COBirds is free! If you had to get this info from other 
sources (long-distance phone calls, Tarot card readers on Pearl Street, etc.), 
you'd pay a fair bit for it.
Yes, COBirds is free, but please be aware that this free service is provided to 
you by Colorado Field Ornithologists (CFO) *at a cost to CFO*.
Here's an idea: How 'bout helping CFO provide COBirds to you by paying only 6.8 
cents per day? That's right: a CFO membership costs only $25. Do the math, and 
that's a little less than 7 cents a day to keep COBirds up and running. Isn't 
it worth it?
And you get a lot more as a CFO member: CFO's magnificent quarterly journal, 
Colorado Birds; CFO's excellent annual birding convention; and field trips way 
below cost to private ranches. PLUS, CFO does great work in the birding 
community: CFO supports the Colorado Bird Records Committee, CFO hosts the 
groundbreaking online Colorado County Birding guide, and CFO provides 
scholarships to young birders and research grants to ornithologists doing bird 
conservation work.
You get ALL that--on top of COBirds--for less than 7 cents per day.
If you're not currently a member of CFO, I hope you'll consider joining.
You can join online at http://www.cfo-link.org/members/join.php
Ted Floyd
Ted Floyd
Lafayette, Boulder County, Colorado                                       
The New Busy think 9 to 5 is a cute idea. Combine multiple calendars with 

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