Recent arrivals at Manitou Lake in Teller County. Elevation 7,740'.
Surrounding grassland and ponderosa habitat. Willows and cattail marsh.
Daily jog with binos and dog.


Ring-necked Duck - 4/26

Eared Grebe - 4/26 - raft of nine persisted for one day

Osprey - 4/25 - a pair present every day since

Broad-winged Hawk - 4/25

Spotted Sandpiper - 4/28

Tree Swallow - 4/28 

Northern Rough-winged Swallow - 4/26

Barn Swallow - 4/26

Mountain Bluebird - 4/25

Green-tailed Towhee - 4/28 

Western Meadowlark - 4/26


Of note:

To date this year: 50 species; 1 new species for the location; out of 136
species recorded by myself at this location over 20+ years.

Am Crow putting finishing touches, collecting mud/grasses, on nest on east
side of lake.

20 white-faced ibis (could not turn any into a glossy in spite of trying)
present today. Only one seen prior to this on 4/22.

No soras or virginia rails to date.

Lots of Evening Grosbeaks continue at my feeders daily.

Band-tailed Pigeons at feeder intermittently.


Jeff J Jones

( <>

Teller County - 8500' - Montane Woodlands


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