Hi cobirders. Chuck Lowrie, Diane Carter and I went up north and east from 10AM to 2PM on April 28. Highlights mostly. On Weld CR 42 west of CR49 we found Brewer's Blackbirds at least 50. At the feedlot there were clumps of Yellow-headed Blackbirds,over 200. They are so beautiful and were quiet!
A few Horned Larks,a pair of Swainson's Hawks,only 1 Avocet.

CR45 7 White Pelicans high in the sky, my first good look at Barn Swallows, more later. CR44 Prairie Dog colony east on north side there were at least 7 Burrowing Owls. Busy road paved be
careful here.

CR 48 much flooded fields, few birds this time, On north side in the swamp plants by the road was about 20 or more Marsh Wrens singing and popping up and briefly flying back down. They were very active. No new marsh plant growth showing yet. There was some flood puddles in the swamp here and we heard a Virginia Rail call often also heard a Sora once and a Bittern a couple times. Inlet had 3 Cinnamon Teal and one Western Grebe. A little further west were at least 7 Great-tailed Grackles all males. On the south side was plenty of swamp in a flooded area with about 30 White-faced Ibis feeding in and out of the plants and flying low about the area. One group of Brown-headed Cowbirds
with 2 males and 3 females already looking for Redwing Blackbird nests.

At Loloff Reservoir the south west wind had come up strong. There were a variety of waterfowl including Grebes, two together one Western and one Clark's! Also a small flock of Ruddy Ducks and a group of
Wilson's Phalerope. I saw one male Blue-winged Teal  my first of year.
It was great to hear the Western Meadowlarks sing in several places again.
It was a very successful day.

A spring snow came this morning and is already melted today.
Bob Spencer n.E. of Golden

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