The official volunteer portion of RMBOs hawk watch finished on May 7,
but my heart was committed to one more more count on the ridge. And
that was also true of Roger Rouch, Karen Clark and Joe Lupfer. We
ended up seeing 11 species of migrant raptors, and 19 migrating
individuals. We had a four falcon day, and also spotted two Broad-
winged Hawks. I also observed two Northern Goshawks in a courtship
display west of the hawk watch, so it seems that there is a local pair
attempting to nest somewhere in the Mt. Morrison area.

Overall we had 46 species of birds today including a snappy Olive-
sided Flycatcher down ridge, a Green-tailed Towhee singing below the
ridge, plus the continuing amazing show of 100s of aerial insectivores
(white-throated swifts, plus bank, barn, cliff, tree, and v-g
swallows). Plus some high flying blue-gray gnatcatchers were doing
their sitting duck display flight.

All in all it was a great season on the ridge for this volunteer
highlighted by the juniper titmouse, the local peregrines, and of
course all the migrating raptors for this confirmed "Talonhead".

And of course the constant refining and discussion of raptor ID with
Roger, Karen, Joe, Jim, and Bill who made the days on the ridge even
more enjoyable.

Thanks of course to RMBO staffers Amy Rotter and Jeff Birek for their
help and support of the volunteers.


Scott Severs


Details for May 8, 2010

RMBO Volunteers: Roger Rouch, Scott Severs
Additional Observers: Karen Clark and Joe Lupfer.
Visitors: 8
Official site profile:
Coordination, research, and support provided by Rocky Mountain Bird

Location:     Dinosaur Ridge and hawkwatch site
Observation date:     5/8/10
Notes:     final hawkwatch for 2010
Number of species:     46

American White Pelican     6
Great Blue Heron     3
Turkey Vulture     9
Osprey     2
Northern Harrier     2
Sharp-shinned Hawk     3     2 local
Cooper's Hawk     6     3 local
Northern Goshawk     2     display flight
Broad-winged Hawk     2
Swainson's Hawk     1
Red-tailed Hawk     9     6 local
American Kestrel     1
Merlin     1
Peregrine Falcon     2     1 local
Prairie Falcon     2     1 local
White-throated Swift     X     hundreds
Broad-tailed Hummingbird     2     one displaying at site
Hairy Woodpecker     1
Olive-sided Flycatcher     1
Dusky Flycatcher     1
Western Scrub-Jay     2
Black-billed Magpie     2
American Crow     5
Common Raven     10
Tree Swallow     1
Violet-green Swallow     X     many
Bank Swallow     4
Cliff Swallow     2
Barn Swallow     3
Black-capped Chickadee     1
Mountain Chickadee     2
Bushtit     4
Rock Wren     2
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher     6
American Robin     5
Yellow-rumped Warbler     7
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle)     2
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Audubon's)     2
Green-tailed Towhee     1
Spotted Towhee     3
Chipping Sparrow     6
Western Meadowlark     3
Brown-headed Cowbird     3
House Finch     2
Pine Siskin     1
American Goldfinch     1

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