Paula Hansley and I birded a bit in SE Co on 5/9/10.
Lamar Community College :
Paula heard a Wood Thrush, and Carolina Wren in the northern part of nature 
trail. We saw a Northern Waterthrush, 1, f. Rose-breasted Grosbeak, lots of 
Brown Thrashers, many Yellow-rumped Warblers, and some empids which we were not 
sure about their idenity,[only heard short calls]. Common Yellowthroats, lots 
of House Wrens, and Yellow Warblers. We heard what sounded like 2 different 
BENT County
Temple Grove :
We did not see the Blackpoll Warbler, or Palm Warbler.
There were several Thrushes at the start of the trail, but the lighting was not 
the best. Swainson's Thrush was seen, and a probable GRAY-CHEEKED Thrush[plain 
gray cheek, with barely just one  bit of an eyering], Bird was in shade and 
lighting was not optimal. A probable WOOD THRUSH. Don't know what else this 
thrush could have been except a Wood thrush. White breast and belly with very 
dark large spots on breast, and belly which extended further down on belly than 
on other thrush species. The bird had an obvious white eye ring. Again the bird 
was in shade and we could not see the legs.
Happy Birding!
Tina Jones, Littleton, Jefferson CO. COLO.

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