An hour walk around Manitou Lake at noon turned up 8 new species today in 35
degrees, wind, snow and overcast.


Black-crowned Night-Heron - on schedule within a week; bred last year; in
marsh south and across hwy 67 from lake)

Solitary Sandpiper - only 3rd record

Wilson's Phalarope - 5; one still mostly in winter plumage

House Wren (5/8)

Gray Catbird - se corner; calling

Wilson's Warbler - dam spillway

Myrtle Warbler - first of the season for this subsp; audubon's showed up

Brewer's Sparrow (5/8)

Vesper Sparrow - several singing on se side of lake

White-crowned Sparrow (5/8)

Brewer's Blackbird - breed along bank on either side of hwy 67 south of

Brown-headed Cowbird (5/8)

House Finch (5/8)

Evening Grosbeak (5/8) - irregular


That brings the total species at Manitou Lake this year to 71 out of 137
recorded over 20+ years.


Jeff J Jones

( <>

Teller County - 8500' - Montane Woodlands


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