First, I spent the last couple hours before dark last evening at Fountain
Creek Reg Park (El Paso Co) looking for the Common Black-Hawk. Did not find
it. It was quite birdy. Blue Grosbeak giving its chink call allowed me to
find it. Several Bullock's Orioles. Probably 20 or so Great-tailed Grackles
surprised me by their presence. 


This morning at Manitou Lake, I had 56 species with 8 new arrivals. 


Of note:

Black-crowned Night-Heron - 3, 2 adult plumaged and 1 first spring. Is this
the two breeding adults and their offspring from last year returning?

White-faced Ibis - 5

American Dipper taking food to nest under dam.


Savannah Sparrow


Western Wood-Pewee - earliest record by 7 days.

Violet-green and Cliff Swallows - VG late by two weeks!

Orange-crowned Warbler; one singing

Yellow Warbler (dozens and dozens; females also)

Black-headed Grosbeaks singing


Jeff J Jones

( <>

Teller County - 8500' - Montane Woodlands


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