Thanks for the many responses on my  bird question. I've never heard or 
seen a poorwill and never even realized that  they live here! Another guess was 
Say's phoebe---similer call but higher  pitched. 
    I really appreciate all of you taking  your time to respond and love 
hte fact that I have all of you as a resource! 
    BTW, someone mentioned that the poorwill used to be  found on the hills 
behind Red Rocks and it brought up another question. How do  all these 
different nesting birds at Red Rocks tolerate the loud leval of noise  that 
accompanies the concerts? And that's not to mention the huge influx of  people 
with the concerts. I know that the concerts haven't started by the time  they 
start nesting so they might be unprepared and yet I think many are probably 
 return birds. Does loud noise effect them adversely?
    Thanks, Deb Carstensen,  Littleton.

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