I started a new job…at the local hospital across the highway from
Lathrop State Park.  First day on the job I found a Greater Roadrunner
in the parking lot. Sure wish I’d had some hamburger in my pocket!
The one that lives at the end of my street here in La Veta apparently
has a partner.  Perhaps we’ll start a marathon of roadrunners here!
(Apparently groups of roadrunners are called marathons or races of

Also seen at the hospital are lots of Brewer’s Blackbirds…pretty
things that look like small grackles with petite bills.

Coming home from work, on Hwy 160, I noticed a Red-tailed Hawk
(probably) that was about to cross my path above my vehicle.  Looking
in that direction, I also noticed a ‘kettle’ of some 25-30 birds a
ways north of me.  I have no idea what they were…and wondered if
anyone could let me know what birds ‘do’ that in this area, this time
of year.

I am pretty familiar with Turkey Vultures that roost near here and use
my yard as a ‘fly-over’ to and from their trees…but these birds seemed
smaller.  I suppose they could have just been far away.  It’s hard to
get a good look at 70 mph and without binocs.

Lastly, yesterday I believe I had a couple young Eastern Phoebes in my
yard.  I’ve got photos (from Wikipedia) and a little discussion of why
I believe they are young Eastern Phoebes on my blog:  

Numbers of birds seem to be lessening; still have lots of hummingbirds
& Evening Grosbeaks; though I’ve not seen adult male Calliopes in a
couple of weeks now.  I’m tickled that a guy from UC, Davis will be
here to band the EVGRs next weekend.  If anybody is interested, I’ll
let ya know how that turns out.  He’s looking for subspecies…

Beverly Jensen,
La Veta, Huerfano Co., CO
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