Hi birders,

Conducting survey work east of Sterling this AM, I detected three,
maybe four Sprague's Pipits by their flight calls overhead and got my
bins briefly on one, albeit in flight. Searchers might have luck on
county roads SW of Fleming where I was. Timing was similar to other
fall migration detections I have had of this species, by voice, in
late September, right after dawn, in far eastern Colorado. Other birds
moving through included large numbers of Vesper Sparrows, a smattering
of Chestnut-collared Longspurs, and Savanna and Grasshopper Sparrows
here and there. Another mild surprise was a late Cliff Swallow in with
a flock Barn Swallows.

Harriers and a Prairie Falcon were dusting up large flocks of Horned
Larks, the Harriers were zero for two on my score card.

Good birding,

Scott Severs

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