Today I went to the property in Highland Lake (northwest of the small Weld 
County town of Mead) which hosted two male Hooded Warblers a few days ago (plus 
one last spring and at least one other in a previous year!).  Pauli Smith, the 
owner of the property, triggered my curiosity when she said the birds kept 
going back to the same Russian-olives and Siberian Elm.  The lay of the land 
(nice trees near a natural sinkhole/lake) is the gross attraction, but the key 
to them choosing to stay a while to fuel up is mostly APHIDS.  The olive had 
lots of leaf aphids.  The elm showed considerable damage from European Elm Flea 
Weevils, a new arrival in this area which causes elm leaves by late summer to 
look like they've been hit with buckshot, and a few of the adults were still 
active in this nice weather we've been having.   This weevil from Europe, in 
just a few short years, has almost replaced Elm Leaf Beetle as the default 
bird-attracting insect in elms around here.  

I also collected other aphid species from her Golden Currant, Apples, and Peach.

While on the property, we heard both Evening Grosbeaks fly over and a Greater 
Yellowlegs across the road by the lake shore.

Dave Leatherman
Fort Collins

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