Posted a message the other day to cobirds, but never saw it.  I'll try

Was out at Barr Lake again today trying for a good Eagle shot.  It's
tough.  Very wary birds.  I counted 45 Bald Eagles this morning.  Many
out on a sandbar in the SW corner, but many others up on favorite
roosting trees.  I'd estimate about two thirds or more immature.  Quit
a few matures as well.  Have yet to see one take a fish or any water
fowl, but they must be eating something.  I'd guess the extremely low
water level in the lake is making fishing pretty easy, and there are
thousands of ducks and geese.

Also saw two Northern Harriers, American Kestrel, lots of Blackbirds,
and a flock of Doves, thousands of Shovelers,  and Mallards.  Some
PIntails, Common Mergansers, Golden Eye, Buffleheads.   Two White
Pelicans are still there.

Wave cloud made for very flat lighting.

William Bond

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