Looking out my window here in Downtown Boulder, I witnessed a fox
squirrel attack and maim a Northern Flicker that was occupied with
courtship with other Flickers. The squirrel managed to harm its wing
and then open a gash under the wing on a second attack on the ground.
I chased it off temporarily and the Flicker has managed to climb up
another tree and is resting for now. I have my doubts about its
survival. There was about a tablespoon of thick bright blood on the
sidewalk. I have seen same squirrel feasting on the leg of a young
nestling and I am looking at its hole and pondering how he would like
it sealed off. Perhaps some concrete? It is unfortunate that Fox
squirrels are such avid breeders and have aggressively taken over our
cities and pushed out native squirrels. Perhaps native squirrels are
similar predators also...
Lonny Frye

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