The female Long-tailed Duck was still on Smith Lake -- the north lake -- at 
Washington Park on Monday (2/28/11) mid-day.  She tends to stay out in the 
center of the lake and the Ring-billed Gulls can really overwhelm her at times. 
 She does hang out amongst the Common Goldeneyes -- particularly the females.  
She will make occasional forays close to shore but doesn't seem to stay long.  
There is also a walking path around the lake -- heavy leashed dog traffic also 
keeps her in the middle of the lake.    

Thanks to everyone here who have helped me see this amazing little duck.  
Viewing with binoculars from shore yields great views of her animated feeding.  
During the day, she was diving almost constantly which was fun to watch but 
challenging to photograph.  I did take some photos.

Other waterfowl seen at Smith Lake:  American Wigeon, American Coot, Canada 
Goose, Ring-billed Gull, Northern Shoveler, Common Goldeneye, Mallard, Gadwall, 
one pair of Double-crested Cormorant and Pigeons to distraction.    

The warm weather is a balm to my winter weary soul!    Ben Kemena, Denver

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