Hi all,

I did some birding today from 630am to 2pm or so around Pueblo.

I started early by checking Sailboard launching area at Pueblo Reservoir to see 
if I could see the Common Loon, that I saw there yesterday, I didn't see it.

While driving down the hill from the dam at Pueblo Reservoir around 645am, the 
first tree on the right, there was a big blob in the tree.  It turned out to be 
a Bobcat in the tree.  

Since I had plenty of time, before meeting up with Aiken Audubon group at Valco 
Ponds parking lot, I went over to Pueblo City Park.  I walked around there for 
45 minutes or so.  The highlights were the Pygmy Nuthatches and Mountain 
Chickadees that have been there all winter.  Other than that, it was pretty 

I then got to Valco Ponds parking lot, a bit early, just before 8am, and there 
was one car load of birders already there.  Since the trip wasn't meeting until 
830am, four of us decided to  walk west of the parking lot at Valco Ponds just 
a short ways and we saw the pair of Black Phoebes, and quick look at a flyby 
White-winged Dove.

When everyone else showed up at 830am, we walked east of Valco Ponds parking 
lot and checked all three ponds.  We saw a Snowy Egret, two White-throated 
Swifts, many swallows (Tree, Barn, Cliff, and Bank), two Yellow-headed 
Blackbirds, a Lincoln's Sparrow, several Turkey Vultures, a female Common 
Merganser, and other birds.

Then we walked west of Valco Ponds parking lot to the Fish Hatchery Ponds and 
back.  We saw the Black Phoebes again and a Say's Phoebe, more swallows (same 
species as above), an Osprey, and at the ponds, two Cinnamon Teal and a female 
Hooded Merganser were the highlights.  

We then drove over to the Osprey Picnic Area in Rock Canyon.  We finally we 
able to see a Bewick's Wren, we had heard a few before this, though they were 
being difficult.  We also saw a few Myrtle Warblers.  Just before lunch, we 
were able to look at some all green tiger beetles, which have been around for a 
few weeks at this location.

After lunch, the wind gusts were getting bad.  We quickly saw a couple of fuzzy 
Great Horned Owl babies in Rock Canyon, and then headed to Sailboard launching 
area for a minute.  The waves were coming over the paved parking lot there.  
So, we didn't stay, since there was no way we could pick out a loon or anything 
else there.

Then we headed west, and saw a couple Burrowing Owls near the north west 
entrance station at Pueblo Reservoir.  Then we went over to the State Wildlife 
Area, and saw two Greater and one Lesser Yellowlegs, and a pair of American 
Green-winged Teal.  No sign of the Common Teal from a couple of days ago.

We then went to Pueblo West.  We saw a Scaled Quail in my yard, though couldn't 
find a Curve-billed Thrasher in howling winds.  We ended with a quick check of 
Cattail Crossing in Pueblo West, and saw Great-tailed Grackles and a female 

All and all, it was a good trip, the wind wasn't that bad before lunch.  I saw 
around 70 species of birds today, and a Bobcat in a tree, so it was a good day.

Good birding,

Brandon Percival

Pueblo West, CO


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