Greetings All

At Windsor Lake, mid-day, I saw one BL Kittiwake in the air with RB Gulls and 
was most pleased. A few minutes later, I saw it perched on the town side of the 
lake (south side) at the end of a small fishing pier (concrete on top, salmon 
colored rocks shoring it up). I presume this is where the bird had been found 
perched a week or so ago. I raced over to the spot, and found TWO BLACK-LEGGED 
KITTIWAKES (both immatures) perched there. They were rather approachable and 
tasty photos were obtained. Given the current duration of stay, I would not be 
shocked if these birds try to over-summer. 

Just upon exiting Crow Valley, I found a MOUNTAIN BLUEBIRD, which the ebird 
screen punches out as rare... I guess it is late for a migrant Mountain B.
Migration at Crow Valley was slowish, with only 7 Orange-crowned Warblers and 
not many more Yellow-rumpeds present. 9 Brown Thrashers, flying in small groups 
off the grasslands towards the campground in the early morning was an odd 
sight, and were presumably arriving migrants. Gambel's White-crowned Sparrows 
are still about in good numbers (I don't know if this is unexpected, but the 78 
I entered into ebird was flagged).

At Black Hollow Reservoir, there was a singing FIELD SPARROW, which was not 
flagged by ebird, but is rare per Colorado Birds. There were also 6 
Semipalmated Plovers there, which may be a number of interest, or not?? The 
"big gulls" have pretty much evacuated the area, with only one Herring Gull 

At Timnath Reservoir, there was a goodly 70 Horned Grebes still about, 90 
Bonaparte's Gulls, 6 lingering Common Goldeneye, and a female GREATER SCAUP.

Finally, there are still scads of ducks at Fossil Creek Res, the most numerous 
of which were 400 Gadwall, and perhaps the most interesting of which were 2 
Red-breasted Mergansers (along with 7 Commons and 2 Hoodeds).

109 species in all, dallying about by myself. So despite the lack of any megas 
(well, excepting the kittiwakes) like Golden-winged, or even Hooded, Warbler... 
it was a nice day in the sun.

Best Wishes
Steven Mlodinow
Longmont, Colorado

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