Kara Carragher, Bill Evans, and I birded Sondermann Park in Colorado Springs 
this morning. Our highlights included Northern Parula and Northern Waterthrush.
Kara found the parula early this morning. It's the second spring in a row one 
has been present in the park. Bill Evans and I found one last year on 5/11.
We also had some other migrants: e.g., Hermit Thrush, Gray Catbird, Common 
Yellowthroat, Bullock's Oriole. A lot of Orange-crowned Warblers were around, 
and some Evening Grosbreaks were also present.
We didn't re-find the Black-throated Gray Warbler, which I've seen at 
Sondermann on three different days during the last week. Some other birds from 
the past few days at the park: Swainson's Thrush, Virginia's Warbler, Lark 
Sparrow, Lincoln's Sparrow, Lazuli Bunting.
I've also had Evening Grosbeaks in my neighborhood (a mile south of Sondermann) 
both early this morning and yesterday afternoon.
Good birding,Allan Burns, west side of Colorado Springs

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