Kara Carragher, Brandon Percival, Dan Maynard and I birded what ended up being 
all day in southeast Colorado.  It was actually chilly in the morning hours in 
Baca and Prowers counties before the sun somewhat broke out and warmed things a 
little.  Below are the highlights, hopefully I do not miss anything.
Baca county:
Two Buttes - (as it can sometimes be, it was very slow, maybe it got better 
later when it warmed up?)
2 - Northern Waterthrush 

Prowers county:
Fairmount Cemetery - 
1 Chestnut-sided Warbler (m)
1 Blackpoll Warbler (m)
1 Magnolia Warbler (m)
1 Rose-breasted Grosbeak
1 Black-headed Grosbeak

Lamar Community College -
1 Plumbeous Vireo
1 Blackpoll Warbler (m)
1 Nashville Warbler (I think a male but I did not see this bird)
1 Chestnut-sided Warbler (f)
Lots of birds and easily could have missed something with all the birds that 
were there.

Thurston Reservoir -
13 Black Terns
1 Forester's Tern

Bent county:
Tempel Grove -
2 Ovenbirds
3 American Redstarts (2m 1?)
1 Hooded Warbler (f)
1 Magnolia Warbler (m)
1 Black-throated Green Warbler (m)
1 Summer Tanager
1 Olive-sided Flycatcher
1 Willow Flycatcher

This is all I can remember but I think I am forgetting something.  Here is the 
list of other warblers seen at Tempel Grove yesterday that we did not see:
1 Nashville Warbler
1 Northern Waterthrush
1 Worm-eating Warbler

Van's Grove - 
1 Nashville Warbler (f)
1 Rose-breasted Grosbeak
1 Hammond's Flycatcher

Otero county:
Bent's Old Fort - 
7 Black Rail (What I found interesting here was that the BLRAs were calling the 
whole time, maybe 20 minutes.  We only heard 3 Virginia Rails and 1 Sora and 
only 1 or 2 times each)

Rocky Ford SWA - 
1 Northern Waterthrush

Crowley county:
Feedlot ponds -
1000+  Wilson's Phalarope

Lake Henry -
2 Piping Plovers (hanging out on the dam road, very cool birds)
2 Lesser Yellowlegs (note: one of the LEYE gave GRYE call multiple times)
37 Sanderlings (my personal opinion is that Lake Henry is the most reliable 
spot in CO for Sanderling, not total individuals just regularity, again this is 
just an opinion ;) )
1 White-rumped Sandpiper
200+ Long-billed Dowitchers (could not find any Short-billed)
150+ Stilt Sandpipers
6 Semipalmated Sandpipers
7 Baird's Sandpipers
4 Least Sandpipers
5 Willet
1 Peregrine Falcon
Forster's Terns
Black Terns

It was great company, great birding and great weather!

Mark Peterson
Colorado Springs

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