Kadosa Halasi  & I had a great day at Last Chance!

Swainson's Hawk (2) west of Last Chance

No Feruginous Hawks at nest south of Last Chance

Western Kingbird (many)

Say's Phoebe (1 @ Last Chance, 1 south of town)

Empidonax sp (1) south of Last Chance, probably Least Flycatcher

Eastern Kingbird (1) south of Last Chance

Blue Jay (2)

Horned Lark (many)

Barn Swallows (many) south of Last Chance

Swainson's Thrush  (1)

Gray Catbird (2), male singing

Brown Thrasher (2), male singing, courtship display

American Robin (2)  

Tennessee Warbler (1), male singing

Orange-crowned Warbler (1) (others saw 2)

Yellow Warbler (4 males, 1 female)

American Redstart (1 female type)

Common Yellowthroat (1 female type)

Kadosa saw a warbler with broken eye-rings, but didn't identify.

Wilson's Warbler (1)

Spotted Towhee (1 female)

Vesper Sparrow (1)

Lincoln's Sparrow (1)

Lark Buntings (many, many, in grasslands west & south of town)

Western Meadowlark (1 @ Last Chance, many south & west of town)

Common Grackle (+/- 8 at Last Chance)

Red-winged Blackbird (many west of town)

Bullock's Oriole (1 male west of Last Chance)

House Finch (2, male & female, courtship behavior)

American Goldfinch (2, male & female)

--Margaret Smith

Boulder, CO

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