The following is from the online publication The
"The House on Wednesday afternoon approved an amendment to the 2012
Interior, Environment and Related Agencies Appropriations Act that will
allow new animals to be classified as endangered.

The spending bill as proposed by Republicans would only have allowed species
to be delisted, but would not have allowed new species to be added. . ."

Thanks to those who emailed or called their Representatives about the
terrible rider to HB2584 that would have barred future species from
eligibility for the protections under the Endangered Species Act such as the
Bald Eagle and Peregrine Falcon had that allowed them to come back from the
brink of extinction so successfully that they have been removed from those

However debate continues on HB2584 that the American Bird Conservancy has
called, "*H <>**ouse
Bill is Worst Government Assault on Birds and Wildlife in a

“The bill is loaded with devastating funding cuts and anti-environmental
provisions that will wreak havoc on our land, water, air, and wildlife,”
says Darin Schroeder, Vice President of Conservation Advocacy for ABC.
“Birds will be particularly hard hit by this bill.”

 Examples of programs targeted by the bill:

   - The Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act, the only federal U.S.
   grants program specifically dedicated to the conservation of our migratory
   birds throughout the Americas, will be completely eliminated.

   - State Wildlife Grants, the nation’s core program for preventing birds
   and wildlife from becoming endangered in addition to supporting strategic
   conservation investments in every state and territory has been reduced by
   over 64%.

   - The North American Wetlands Conservation Act, which provides funding
   for conservation projects that benefit wetland birds, has been reduced by
   over 40%."

If you have not yet sent an email to your Representative telling him/her to
oppose HB2584, you can do so in less than 5 minutes by clicking on
this National
Audubon Action Center
(if you don't like the text you can easily modify it).  Let's make sure
there are lots of bird species here for future generations to enjoy as we

SeEtta Moss
Canon City

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