Hi all:

I recently entertained a query from a friend as to why the Colorado Bird 
Records Committee (CBRC) asks for documentation of occurrences of certain 
species that are regular (some are common) in parts of the state, but rare or 
non-existent in other parts of the state (see 
http://www.cfo-link.org/downloads/review_species.pdf).  Since my answer might 
be useful to more than just the querent, I thought that I would reply to this 
venue.  But, first, I will discuss the importance of bird-records committees.  
For those that think such committees are anathema, please don't delete this 
missive quite yet; please read on.

Submitting documentation to relevant bird-records committees is important to 
ornithology to enable the layperson to contribute to the science.  Without some 
sort of review of rare-bird occurrence, ornithology would be unable to utilize 
much of the information and data generated by the 10s of 1000s of birders, 
because ornithologists would be unable to separate the wheat from the chaff.  
Ornithology certainly cannot be expected to accept any sighting from any person 
as valid, because all of us make mistakes, whether we care to admit them or 
not.  I can recall visiting the Great Smoky Mountains in my first year of 
birding and, because I didn't put Turkey Vulture on my list of expected species 
there, I noted -- and was certain thereof -- 27 adult Golden Eagles in a kettle 
at one point.  Upon returning home, my birding mentor kindly pointed out where 
I had gone wrong.  This experience was the first of many humbling events in my 
birding career, and I will readily admit to still making ID mistakes, though I 
believe/hope that I don't make errors quite as egregious as the Golden Eagle 
With the point of the above paragraph as given, birders in many political units 
have decided to establish committees of skilled birders to review occurrences 
of birds rare to the particular political unit, almost always under the 
auspices of a particular respected organization (the CBRC is under the auspices 
of the Colorado Field Ornithologists, the owner of this listserve).  A decision 
by a group of people is almost always more conservative than the most liberal 
opinion of any given member, and conservatism is usually best when dealing with 
aspects that alter the understanding of a particular topic (though there are 
many exceptions).  That is why simple submission of data through the eBird 
review process is not enough for reports of review-list species, because that 
process simply changes who the single person responsible for record acceptance 
from the observer to the reviewer.  Yes, for the most part, eBird reviewers are 
highly skilled and responsible individuals, but they are still single 
individuals and one of the reasons that committees are committees is to attempt 
to arrive at a consensus of opinion that might be more acceptable than having a 
single person be the arbiter of all.  A group of people also brings differing 
experience, knowledge, understanding, and -- not to be considered 
inconsequential -- variety of acquaintances, which may allow for more thorough 
discussion and treatment of individual reports.

Though these committees certainly exist in order to come to some group decision 
on the reliability or acceptability of particular reports of bird occurrence, 
one of their other primary reasons for existence is as an archive -- some way 
to store all of the information about bird occurrence that has been submitted 
so that future researchers can access it.  Of course, that archival mandate is 
one that is never questioned by birders.  What gets questioned is the rationale 
behind the review of bird reports and why cannot a person's word simply be 
taken as is.  For that, see Golden Eagle report, above.  One important thing to 
keep in mind is that a person's list is a personal thing, one can count on it 
whatever one cares to.  However, science requires some form of proof.  For 
those old enough, one might recall the furor created about "cold fusion" in the 
late 1980s (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cold_fusion).  For science, it matters 
not what any individual states, but what can be proven.  The take-home message, 
if it hasn't already been delivered, is that anyone can make a mistake, so any 
individual report can reasonably be expected to be questioned, particularly 
when that report alters our understanding of the world, even if it's just a 
miniscule portion of that understanding, such as the distribution of Red-winged 

Let us consider a hypothetical sighting of a single Red-winged Blackbird in 
Campo, Baca County, Colorado, on 22 April.  If the reporter had actually 
mis-identified something else as the reported Red-winged Blackbird, it doesn't 
really alter our understanding of Red-winged Blackbird distribution, because 
the species is, at worst, uncommon to, at most, abundant in the area around 
Campo at all times of year.  However, if the bird mis-identified as a 
Red-winged Blackbird were actually a Cassin's Finch, that would change our 
understanding of that species' distribution, at least a little.  And, if that 
mis-identified bird were actually a Tawny-shouldered Blackbird, that would 
change our understanding of that species' distribution quite a lot.  The more 
radically a particular observation would change current understanding, the more 
detail about that observation will be required to be accepted by science.  This 
bit is of particular importance when dealing with the subject of regional 

Colorado sits astride an incredible juxtaposition of differing biogeographical 
regions and that fact is the reason that the state list is nearing 500 species 
(when that milestone is reached, CO would be the only non-coastal, 
non-Mexico-border state with that distinction).  However, because of that 
habitat variety and a host of other biogeographical reasons, particularly the 
differences between eastern and western Colorado, there are quite a lot of 
species that are common (even abundant) on one side but unknown or virtually 
unknown on the other.  Good examples of this include Grasshopper Sparrow 
(common to abundant breeder on the eastern plains; but only 1 or 2 good records 
west of the eastern foothill edge) and Purple Martin (uncommon but local 
breeder in western Colorado, but with only ~10 or so good records in eastern 
Colorado).  Additionally for Purple Martin, there is some concern that the 
"eastern" subspecies and the "western" group of subspecies might be separate 
species, though I suspect that this will be shown not to be true.  However, if 
a split were more likely, one can easily see how the CBRC might want 
documentation for such a rare "species."  I find that it helps if one imagines 
a state boundary running along the west side of Larimer, Boulder, Jefferson, 
Douglas, El Paso,Fremont, Huerfano, and Las Animas counties and then 
considering what the Records Committee for the state of "Western Colorado" 
would like to see as far as documentation of bird occurrence.  Or what the 
ECBRC would like to see.  Even on the eastern plains of Colorado, there is a 
small suite of species, exemplified by Field Sparrow, that are of uncommon to 
common occurrence in the easternmost tier of counties, but which rarely stray 
west of there.  Or, at least, rarely get found and identified correctly west of 
there (I've seen multiple birders identify immature White-crowned Sparrows as 
Field Sparrows).

For my final example of the importance of documenting regional rarities, I 
refer you to the occurrence this past winter of a Curve-billed Thrasher in 
Eagle County.  That species (as currently constituted) is a widespread and 
uncommon to common breeder in southeastern Colorado, but rare north of the 
Palmer Divide and virtually unknown west of the eastern foothill edge, despite 
the species' predilection for vagrancy.  As such, this out-of-range occurrence 
received little play on the listserves in Colorado.  However, Jacob Cooper, 
interested in bagging a pretty darned "good" county bird, went up to ogle the 
thing.  Though I don't know, I imagine that he was pretty surprised when he saw 
the bird and noted that it appeared to be referable to the western form of 
Curve-billed Thrasher typically found in the U.S. only in Utah, Nevada, 
Arizona, and California and which looks and sounds different from the eastern 
form that so many of us have seen in the semi-desert areas of southeastern 
Colorado.  Since he took pictures and submitted a complete report to the CBRC, 
upon acceptance by that body, science will have gained a bit more understanding 
about Curve-billed Thrasher distribution.  However, there is strong published 
evidence (genetic and otherwise) that the eastern and western forms of the 
species are actually separate species and if that is so, science will have 
gained a much larger chunk of understanding, as the occurrence would be the 
first for Colorado.

To bring us back to the archival aspect of any bird-records committee's duties, 
let us imagine that Jacob did not submit documentation to the committee.  Then, 
when his computer crashed or his house burned down, all physical records of 
that bird's occurrence will have been lost.  Future researchers would have no 
recourse but to discount the occurrence, as there would be not a scintilla of 
proof of such an important record.  However, since he did submit a record, 
those bits of physical proof -- the pictures and the written documentation -- 
will be archived at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, as are all reports 
submitted to the CBRC (with duplicates of all records held by the current 
Chair) -- even the ones that are found lacking in some respect and were not 
accepted by the CBRC.  All of those records will always remain available to 
future researchers.  That cannot be said of individual personal websites, photo 
collections, etc.

In summation, birding is a very individual hobby and I feel that one of the 
primary reasons that it is so popular, is that it is so flexible.  A given 
enthusiast can take the hobby as far as s/he cares to, whether just enjoying 
watching birds at a backyard feeder or researching and writing scholarly 
publications on bird distribution.  Or anywhere in between or sideways.  
However, all of us that do more than just ogle birds at feeders without caring 
to put names to them can join the uncountable thousands of people that 
contribute to the science of ornithology by dutifully reporting -- and 
defending -- ones sightings.  To extend our understanding of what is the 
best-known group of organisms on the planet -- and most of that knowledge 
gained by amateurs!  I strongly encourage submission of checklists to eBird 
(www.ebird.org) and also submission of reports of Colorado review-list species  
(http://www.cfo-link.org/downloads/review_species.pdf) to the CBRC 

I thank you for your time.


Tony Leukering
Villas, NJ

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