

I visited the asthma sufferers nightmare, Chico Basin Ranch (fee area),
hoping to find good stuff amongst the root-suckering Russian olives, dense
Kochia, and State Fair blue ribbon caliber giant ragweed.  The best bird was
a Bell's Vireo (photo), rarely reported from El Paso County. Other birds in
El Paso were:


Sage Thrasher - 2

Loggerhead Shrike - 3

Olive-sided Flycatcher  - 1

Gray Flycatcher - 1

MacGillivray's Warbler - 1

Wilson's Warbler - ~14

Blue Grosbeak - 10

Lazuli Bunting - 6

State Bird - 20

Barn Owl  - 1


Pueblo County


No shorebirds except Killdeer

No terns

Sora - 1 singing

Lots of teal(s) and Northern Shovelers on the move

Loggerhead Shrike - 2

Willow Flycatcher - 1

Cassin's Vireo  - 1

American Redstart - 1

Wilson's Warbler - 12

Yellow Warbler - 1

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher  - 1

Spizella sparrows - lots in roadside sunflowers


Bill Maynard 

Colorado Springs





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