The Denver Fall Count at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal NationalWildlife Refuge 
recorded 1748 birds of 90 species – same number of species asin the past two 
years but 121 more birds than last year but 500 fewer than2009, which had lots 
more sparrows. 
This count included 6 Barn and 3 Burrowing Owls, 41 WesternWood-Pewees, 65 
Pied-billed Grebes, and 13 Blue-gray Gnatcatchers, one feedinga fledgling. 
It included 42raptors of 9 species (or one more of each if Turkey Vulture 
qualifies); 14species of waterfowl -- 450 ducks & geese; 251 sparrows of the 
usual 8species, almost the same as last year (247) but barely more than half of 
2009’stotal. We found only 4 species of warblers, 2 vireos, and 2 shorebirds. 


Hugh Kingery 
Franktown, CO

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