My favorite winter birding route in El Paso County; Prospect Lake, Big
Johnson Res, Squirrel Creek Rd. Monday, Nov 21. 



.         Cackling Geese - thanks to Bill M for noting the good numbers of
Cackling and Lesser Canada Geese in close proximity at Prospect Lake. While
they mostly seemed to 'raft' separately as a species, the rafts were right
next to each other and close to shore for some of the best comparison
observing I have had. No Ross' Goose at this time as noted by Bill. Plenty
of both Geese at Big Johnson as well. But by far closer looks at Prospect.

.         Bald Eagle forced large numbers of Geese into the air at Big
Johnson. Always a great sight to see. Reminds me of being at Bosque del

.         Lesser Scaup at Big Johnson; and I tried hard to turn one into a
Greater Scaup. It fished with the definite Lesser's but always at the
periphery of the group. Close enough to make me think the head shape was
right and the color was greenish. But at that distance I am always hesitant
to make that call until it hopefully shows me the amount of white in the
extended wing; which it never did. So I didn't count it; but my guess would
be that this was one.

.         Clark's Grebe among Western's at Prospect Lake. 

.         Merlin (fem) along Squirrel Creek Rd; hunting from fence posts and
telephone poles.

.         Lapland Longspur; one, in with a flock of hundreds of horned
larks. At a cattle water tank on the north side of the road (40' off road),
about eight-tenths of a mile west of S. Ellicott Hwy. The water tank was
mostly frozen but seeping water over the edge and into the pasture. This was
the first big flock of horned larks I saw on the road, so I pulled over and
settled in to watch the flock as they continuously took to flight and came
back to land and forage and drink; at times just a few dozen at a time and
at other times, hundreds at a time. After about 15 minutes I found my first
non-Horned-Lark! Yeah. Rufous greater coverts, distinct and bold outline to
auriculars; distinct median and lateral crown stripes. The head and upper
parts of the bird were the parts best seen among the grass and all the
larks. Neat thing is, that this flock continuously took to flight and would
come back and land anywhere within an acre surrounding this spot; however
this longspur always landed in the same 9 inches of ground every time. So,
while its time on the ground was short; sometimes only staying put for a
mere 2 seconds to 30 seconds at most; I could set the scope on the spot and
it always came back to the same view! I stayed for another 20 minutes and
this is the only non-horned-lark I could find.


Surprisingly, no rough-legged or ferriginous hawks along Squirrel Ck Rd.
Which I usually find this time of year. Plenty of red-tailed everywhere, but
no rufous or harlan's plumaged individuals.


Complete list below.


Jeff J Jones

( <>

Teller County - 8500' - Montane Woodlands


FIRST SIGHTINGS: World: 0, Location: 0, Annual: 3, World Annual: 3

Species: 37 - Subspecies: 0 - Forms: 37

Total Records: 59



Cackling Goose            Branta hutchinsii           

Canada Goose              Branta canadensis           

American Wigeon           Anas americana              

Mallard                   Anas platyrhynchos          

Northern Shoveler         Anas clypeata               

Northern Pintail          Anas acuta                  

Canvasback                Aythya valisineria          

Redhead                   Aythya americana            

Lesser Scaup [a*]         Aythya affinis              

Bufflehead                Bucephala albeola           

Common Goldeneye          Bucephala clangula          

Hooded Merganser          Lophodytes cucullatus       

Common Merganser          Mergus merganser            

Ruddy Duck                Oxyura jamaicensis          

Eared Grebe               Podiceps nigricollis        

Western Grebe             Aechmophorus occidentalis   

Double-crested Cormorant  Phalacrocorax auritus       

Bald Eagle                Haliaeetus leucocephalus    

Northern Harrier          Circus cyaneus              

Red-tailed Hawk           Buteo jamaicensis           

American Kestrel          Falco sparverius            

American Coot             Fulica americana            

Ring-billed Gull          Larus delawarensis          

Northern Flicker          Colaptes auratus            

Black-billed Magpie       Pica hudsonia               

American Crow             Corvus brachyrhynchos       

Horned Lark               Eremophila alpestris        

Black-capped Chickadee    Poecile atricapillus        

European Starling         Sturnus vulgaris            

Western Meadowlark        Sturnella neglecta          

House Finch               Carpodacus mexicanus        



Cackling Goose [a*]       Branta hutchinsii           

Canada Goose              Branta canadensis           

American Wigeon           Anas americana              

Mallard                   Anas platyrhynchos          

Northern Shoveler         Anas clypeata               

Bufflehead                Bucephala albeola           

Ruddy Duck                Oxyura jamaicensis          

Eared Grebe               Podiceps nigricollis        

Western Grebe             Aechmophorus occidentalis   

Clark's Grebe             Aechmophorus clarkii        

Double-crested Cormorant  Phalacrocorax auritus       

American Coot             Fulica americana            

Ring-billed Gull          Larus delawarensis          

Rock Pigeon               Columba livia               

Northern Flicker          Colaptes auratus            

Black-billed Magpie       Pica hudsonia               

American Crow             Corvus brachyrhynchos       

American Robin            Turdus migratorius          

European Starling         Sturnus vulgaris            

House Finch               Carpodacus mexicanus        

House Sparrow             Passer domesticus           



Bufflehead                Bucephala albeola           

American Kestrel          Falco sparverius            

Merlin                    Falco columbarius           

Black-billed Magpie       Pica hudsonia               

Horned Lark               Eremophila alpestris        

Lapland Longspur [a*]     Calcarius lapponicus        

Western Meadowlark        Sturnella neglecta          


Birder's Diary - - 11/22/2011

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