Compiler:  Joyce Takamine
Date:  January 7, 2012
phone:  303-659-8750

This is the Colorado Rare Bird Alert for Saturday, January 7, 2012
sponsored by Denver Field Ornithologists and the Rocky Mountain Bird
Observatory.  If you are phoning in a message, you can skip the recording
by pressing the star key (*) on your phone at any time. Please leave your
name, phone number, detailed directions, including county and dates for
each sighting.  It would be helpful if you would spell your last name.

Highlight species include:  (* denotes that there is new information on
this species in this report)

TRUMPETER SWAN (Boulder,Delta, Larimer)
TUNDRA SWAN (Boulder, Larimer)
Long-tailed Duck (Denver, Larimer)
Barrow's Goldeneye (*Adams)
Red-necked Grebe (Boulder)
MEW GULL (Larimer, Pueblo)
Thayer's Gull (Arapahoe, Boulder, Broomfield, Larimer,  *Pueblo)
ICELAND GULL (Arapahoe, Larimer)
Lesser Black-backed Gull (Arapahoe, Boulder, Broomfield, El Paso,  Larimer,
Glaucous Gull (Broomfield, Douglas/Jefferson, Larimer, Pueblo)
White-winged Dove (*Mesa)
Greater Roadrunner (Pueblo)
SNOWY OWL (*Adams, Sedgwick)
Red-bellied Woodpecker (Kit Carson, Sedgwick, Weld)
Winter Wren (Pueblo)
Northern Mockingbird (Weld)
PINE WARBLER (Jefferson)
Fox Sparrow (Jefferson)
Swamp Sparrow (Kit Carson, *Mesa)
White-throated Sparrow (El Paso)
Harris's Sparrow (Boulder,El Paso, Jefferson, Kit Carson. Sedgwick)
GOLDEN-CROWNED SPARROW (Boulder, *Jefferson)
Lapland Longspur (Douglas/Jefferson, Kit Carson, Logan)
Snow Bunting (*Pueblo)
Northern Cardinal (Kit Carson)
Indigo Bunting (Logan)
Rusty Blackbird (Pueblo, Sedgwick)
Black Rosy-Finch (Jefferson)
Common Redpoll (Kit Carson, Logan)

Please note, detailed directions to most of the following locations can be
found on the Colorado County Birding Website:

Adams County:
--A m & f Barrow's Goldeneye was reported by Gilberts on the Platte River
approx. 2 blocks So. of the parking area at 78th St. and Steele on January
4.  Gilberts refound the pair of Barrow's Goldeneyes on January 6.
--A f Barrow's Goldeneye was reported by Floyd on the Platte River south of
the I-76 bridge on December 30.
-  A SNOWY OWL  was found by  Peter Plage on the Barr Lake CBC on January
2.   Directions:  Take Bromley Lane (152nd) east from I-76 and go 2 miles
past Piccadilly to Harvest Road.  Turn right and go south to 144th.
On January 6, Goff and others found the dark SNOWY OWL behind the house at
14141 Harvest Road.
--An ad SNOWY OWL was reported by Vallieres near DIA on January 5.  From
E-470, take 96th east until it curves north, go another .3 to .5 mile
further north and look at the snowy field to the NW.

Arapahoe County:
--A Lesser Black-backed Gull was reported by Hudak at Centennial Park, on
the ice shelf, on January 3.  On January 5, Hudak refound the Lesser
Black-backed Gull.
--At Aurora Reservoir on December 26, Roller reported 2 Lesser Black-backed
Gulls (1 ad, 1 1-st cyc) and 1 Thayer's Gull.  On January 1, Mlodinow
reported 2 Thayer's Gulls (1 ad, 1 imm) and 3 Lesser Black-backed Gulls (2
ad, 1 imm)
--A 1-st cyc GLAUCOUS-WINGED GULL was reported by Mlodinow at Aurora
Reservoir on ice shelf in inlet on SW side of reservoir on December 31.
This is near where the SNOWY OWL was on December 28.  See the map post by
Walbek on December 28.
--A 1-st cyc ICELAND GULL was reported by Roller at Aurora Reservoir on the
SW side on December 28.

Boulder County:
--On the  Boulder CBC on December 18, Severs reported GOLDEN-CROWNED
SPARROW.  Directions for the GOLDEN-CROWNED SPARROW:  park in Teller Farms
North Parking Lot on Valmont west of 95th St.  The bird feeds along the
east end of the juniper stand which is on the south side of the parking
lot.     On January 5, Bolton refound the GOLDEN-CROWNED SPARROW at Teller
Farms parking lot.
 --3  1-st cyc Thayer's Gull were reported by Floyd at Valmont Reservoir on
January 2.
--2 Lesser  Black-backed Gulls were reported by Floyd at Valmont Reservoir,
on the far east side on January 2.
--A  TRUMPTER SWAN was seen by Floyd at Leggett Reservoir, scoped, at a
distance, on the west side of Leggett Reservoir, on January 2.
 --A TRUMPETER SWAN and TUNDRA SWAN were reported by Floyd at Waneka Lake
on December 29.
--3 Harris's Sparrows were reported by Floyd at Pella Crossing on January
1.  They were south of Hygiene Feed Store.
--A 1-st year Red-necked Grebe was reported by Robert Spencer at the
Valmont Power Plant complex on January 2.

Broomfield County:
--1 ad. Glaucous Gull, and 1 ad. Lesser Black-backed Gull, were reported by
Boswell, at Siena Pond, which is at Sheridan Parkway & Lowell Blvd. on
January 4.  On January 5, Filby reported an imm Glaucous Gull at Siena Pond.
--1 ad. Glaucous Gull was reported by Boswell, at the the pond at Lowell &
Indian Peaks Parkway, on January 4.
-- At Anthem Park Lake, Plage reported 1 Glaucous Gull (1-st cyc) and 1
Thayer's Gull (1-st cyc) on December 28.  The park is south of E-470 and
east of Lowell.

Delta County:
--A TRUMPETER SWAN was reported by  Garrison at Confluence Park on January

Denver County:
--A female type Long-Tailed Duck was reported by Wuerthele at Duck Lake in
City Park on November 22 and was relocated by Hudak on January 5.

El Paso County:
--A Harris Sparrow was reported by Teuton at the feeders at Fountain Creek
Regional Park on January 3.
--A Lesser Black-backed Gull was reported by Ceci Lee on the ice at Big
Johnson on January 1.

Jefferson County:
--Spencer reported that a Fox Sparrow was seen at the Red Rocks Trading
Post on January 4.
--Goff reported seeing the GOLDEN-CROWNED SPARROW on January 6 at Red Rocks
Trading Post.

Kit Carson County:
--On the Flager CBC on December 29, Kaempfer reported Red-bellied
Woodpecker, Swamp Sparrow, Harris's Sparrow, Lapland Longspur, Northern
Cardinal and Common Redpoll.

Larimer County:
--3 Long-tailed Ducks were reported by Kaempfer on December 24 on the
Rawhide CBC.  3 Long-tailed Ducks were reported by Leatherman at Hamilton
Reservoir. The ducks were basically on the north side of the res., on
January 4.  On January 5, Leatherman again found the 3 Long-tailed Ducks at
Hamilton Reservoir.
--A juv YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER was reported by Leatherman at Grandview
Cemetery in Fort Collins on December 21,  Leatherman refound it on January
 --At Lake Loveland on December 28, Komar reported 6 Thayer's Gulls (1 ad,
1 2-nd cyc, 4 1-st cyc), 5 Lesser Black-backed Gulls (3 ad, 1 3-rd cyc, 1
juv), 1 Glaucous Gull (1-st cyc) and 1 possible Vega Gull.
--On the Loveland CBC on January 1, Komar reported TUNDRA and TRUMPETER
SWAN on Cattail Pond; 1 ICELAND GULL was seen a Lake Loveland, Larimer
County Landfill, and Carter Lake during the day; 1 1-st cyc MEW GULL at
Carter Lake, 4 Thayer's Gulls (3 1-st cyc, 1 ad); and 2 Lesser Black-backed
Gulls (1 ad, 1 3-rd cyc).

Logan County:
 --An Indigo Bunting was found by Kilpatrick and Differding at Tamarack
Ranch on the Crook CBC on January 1.

Mesa County:
--2+ White-winged Doves were reported  by Arnold along Mesa Ave just south
of Rocket Park in Grand Junction on January 5.
--A Swamp Sparrow was reported by Arnold at the mitigation pond along the
Blue Heron Trail in Grand Junction on January 6.

Pueblo County:
--An ad MEW GULL was reported by Rich Miller at Minnequa Lake in Pueblo on
December 28.  Minnequa Lake is in S Pueblo near St Mary-Corwin Hospital.
--At Pueblo City Park, Mlodinow reported a male MEXICAN DUCK on January 1.
--At Pueblo Reservoir South Shore Marina on January 1, Mlodinow reported 12
Thayer's Gulls (11 ad, 1 2-nd cyc), 2 Lesser Black-backed Gulls (1-st cyc),
2 imm Glaucous Gulls, 2 ad GREAT BLACK-BACKED GULLS.  On January 5, Dan
Maynard reported 7 ad Thayer's Gulls, 4 Lesser Black-backed Gulls (2 ad, 2
1-st cyc), 2 Glaucous Gulls (1-st cyc), and 2 ad GREATER  BLACK-BACKED
 --A Rusty Blackbird was reported by Mlodinow at Valco Ponds on January 1 &
Teuton refound the Rusty Blackbird on January 3.
--A Greater Roadrunner was reported by Dan Maynard at the Valco Bridge on
January 5 and a Winter Wren was above the bridge.
--A Snow Bunting was heard flying over Rose Pond at Chico Basin on January
6 by Bill Maynard.

Sedgwick County:
--A SNOWY OWL was reported by Kaempfer at Jumbo about 1/4 miles south of
the campground perched on a pole on the ridge line on January 1 on the
Crook CBC.
--A Rusty Blackbird and Harris's Sparrow were reported by Kaempfer on the
Crook CBC on January 1.

Weld County:
--A f Red-bellied Woodpecker was reported by Rashid in the NW Corner of
Crow Valley CG on December 27.  On January 5 at Crow Valley, Leatherman
reported f Red-bellied Woodpecker and Northern Mockingbird.

No field trip scheduled for January 7.

              The Field Trip for Sunday, January 8 will be to Red Rocks
Park led by Tom Bush (303-904-4576).  Meet at 0900 at Red Rocks
             Trading Post for a half day of foothills birding.  Will spend
time cheking out the feeders and do some walking for for raptors.
             Bring water, snack and lunch.  To reach Red Rocks Trading Post
go west out of Morrison on Hwy 74.  Only about 1/4 mile out of
              Morrison turn right on Red Rocks Park Road.  Stay right at
the first fork.  Continue on road approximately 1 mile to Trading Post.

             Good Birding,
             Joyce Takamine

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