In much nicer weather (about 50 degrees, no wind) twenty-one birders banded
together and
sought the elusive Greater Roadrunner on Dinosaur Ridge. We joined seven
other expectant
birders at the usual spot on the closed off roadway of Alameda Avenue
(directions to follow).
After arriving on the hill at about 11:40 and enduring a 50 minute nearly
bird-free vigil,
one of our party, Kathanne Lynch, who had taken station on the eastern side
the ridge, called on her two-way, "The Roadrunner is over here!"
At a sedate pace (well, really a mid-speed jog) we got to the east side, to
join Kathanne
on the road (for reference, just below the porta-potty). The bird played
hide and seek among the mountain
mahogany, but after glimpses by some of us, we were all able to see it well
as it
foraged up  and over the ridge to the west side. This prompted a return of
the crew to the original
site where we had waited so patiently earlier.

Then the bird put on a real show! It foraged on
the slope, sunned itself from atop a rocky outcropping, took a couple of
flaps and glided
across the road (quite near us) to the grassy hillside below the
road, but not down to Morrison Road. There we continued to observe it, for
a total of 45 minutes
from the first glimpse. It did a maneuver that I had read about, but never
seen before, when
it stood facing away from the sun and lifted its back feathers to expose
its very black skin
to the sun to warm up. We saw it foraging and catching insects of some
kind. Bill Schmoker will be sending
excellent photos to Dave Leatherman for ID and I expect that he will post
some on his excellent web site.
We were all captivated by this relatively close and prolonged inspection.

Date: TOMORROW, Sunday, January 15th
Time:  11:30 AM MST

Place: Stegosaurus parking lot (SW corner of I-70 intersection with
Morrison Road, aka road 93)

Leader: Cheryl Teuton.  PLEASE contact her at or at
303 912-3341 if you plan
to go with the group. If you go alone, you risk taking up 1 of the 6
valuable parking slots at Alameda.

Plan: We will again need to shuttle folks down to the tiny parking lot at
Alameda and Morrison
Road. PLEASE do not park at that site. Bikers were parked there and today
we found only 3 slots open for
all of the large group, thus the need to run the shuttle.

Motivation: The roadrunner seems to have established a *pattern* of
appearing between 12:15 PM
and 1:00 PM on the slopes near the Alameda hairpin turn, most reliably on
calm, sunny afternoons.
It probably pays to get there a little early in case it does not have a
good timepiece.
It probably pays to check both the east and west slopes and have 2-way
phone contact between
parties on either side. It is possibly sufficient just to watch the west
side, as sight lines and photography
are better from there. Whenever it has been seen on the east side mid-day,
it walks over the ridge.

I think that all will agree that the bird does not give a Beep, Beep about
us birders (or the joggers, bikers, tourists
who are frequent the area). It feeds near where humans are prevalent.
We have not been disturbing the bird as it goes about its daily foraging

Joe Roller, Denver

I will lead another group there on Monday or Tuesday if there is enough

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