There were about 50 Rosy-Finches of all three species at Red Rocks this
morning between 8:00 and 9:25. If you do not see them at first at the
feeders check the cliffs to the south. I sat on a camp stool about fifteen
feet in front of the large lower feeding area and was able to get eye-level
photos of Rosies on the "jagged" wall ten feet to my left. Magnificent!
They are not shy! Thanks to Mike Henwood who put out a bucket of seed at
6:00 AM!

The Golden-crowned Sparrow put in a brief appearance. Also one
"White-winged" Junco and three Pine Siskins and two first of year American
Goldfinches. You only need the last ten pages of your Sibley's for all
these finches. Brown-caps were not numerous and I am becoming aware that
the distinction with Gray-crowned is a bit more subtle than I thought.
I could not find the reported Cassin's Finches despite my earnest efforts
to change some House Finches into that species.

Bob Shade

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