HI Birders
I located an American Dipper in Clear Creek at the I-76 bridges (Adams
Co) at 4:42 pm today.
Retuning to my car, I found a pair of Dippers below the check dam on
the east side of Lowell Blvd at 55th Place.
These two birds were foraging and resting near each other. I saw them
sharing the same rock. They flew under a bridge abutment supporting
the south end of the bridge. I was not able to confirm a nest due to
poor light.
When I've seen Dippers nearest Lowell it has been late in the day.
I also can't say that there were three birds. The Dipper at I-76 was
working its way west, and could have flown. I didn't see that, and I
didn't return to check
Bob Canter
Denver, CO

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