Compiler: Ira Sanders
Date: March 15, 2012 
e-mail: rba AT 
phone: 303-659-8750


This is the Colorado Rare Bird Alert for Thursday, March 15, 2012, sponsored
by Denver Field Ornithologists and the Rocky Mountain Bird
Observatory. If you are phoning in a message, you can skip the recording by
pressing the star key (*) on your phone at any time. Please leave your name,
phone number, detailed directions, including county and dates for each
It would be helpful if you would spell your last name.
Highlight species include: (* denotes that there is new information on this
species in this report)



Red-necked Grebe (*Weld)

Barrow's Goldeneye (Garfield)

Thayer's Gull (Washington)

MEW GULL (Washington)

ICELAND GULL (Washington, Boulder)

Lesser Black-backed Gull (Washington, Boulder)

GLAUCOUS-WINGED GULL (Washington, *Boulder)

Glaucous Gull (Washington) 



Greater Roadrunner (Jefferson)

GOLDEN-CROWNED SPARROW (Boulder, *Jefferson)

Harris's Sparrow (Jefferson)

Common Redpoll (Larimer)

Please note, detailed directions to most of the following locations can be
found on the Colorado County Birding Website:  


Bent County:

--On March 15 Nelson reports a SNOWY OWL at John Martin Reservoir on the
north side.


Boulder County:

--The GOLDEN-CROWNED SPARROW continues near the Teller Farm Parking lot on
Valmont through March 11.

--On March 11 Floyd reports an ICELAND GULL and 5 Lesser Black-backed Gulls
at Panama Reservoir.

--On March 15, Mlodinow found a 1st cycle GLAUCOUS-WINGED GULL at Panama


Garfield County:

--On March 11, Filby reports 41 Barrow's Goldeneye at Coryell Ranch viewable
from Hwy 82.


Jefferson County:
--The GOLDEN-CROWNED SPARROW at the Red Rocks Trading Post feeders continues
to be seen thru March 15 as reported by Brown.

--The Greater Roadrunner has been seen again on March 4 by Burke at Dinosaur

--Henwood refound the adult and juv Harris's Sparrows on March 12 near the
Boat Launch area at Bear Creek Lake Park.


Larimer County:

            --On March 7, Rashid reports at least 5 Common Redpolls on the
corner of Whispering Pines and Fishcreek Drive in Estes Park.


            Logan County:

            --On March 11 Mlodinow reports 2 TUNDRA SWANS at Red Lion SWA
and Roller confirms they were present on the 12th.

            --On March 12 Roller reports a GREAT BLACK-BACKED GULL at Jumbo


Washington County:

            --On March 10, Walbek and Kellner report at Prewitt Reservoir a
Glaucous Gull (1st cyc), ICELAND GULL (1st cyc), Thayer's Gull (3-1st cyc)
and an adult MEW GULL.   

          --On March 11, Mlodinow reports 6 Lesser Black-backed Gulls, 6
Glaucous Gulls,13 Thayer's Gulls, 2 ICELAND GULLS (ad and 2nd cycle) and 1
GLAUCOUS-WINGED GULL (2nd cycle) at Prewitt     Reservoir.


          Weld County:

            --The Red-necked Grebe 1st reported by Plage is still at Union
Reservoir as of March 15.


Upcoming DFO Field Trips:


Saturday, March 17   Chatfield State Park

Leader: Joe Roller  Meet leader at the Swim Beach parking lot inside west
entrance of park off S. Wadsworth, 1 1/2 miles south of C-470 at 6:30 am.

Trip will be 2/3 day long.  State Parks pass required.  Bring two-way
radios, lunch and other necessities.  

Who knows what you'll find but good things await.  Questions?  If you plan
on joining the group for this trip, please E-mail Joe 

at   ONLY use this phone number as a last resort:


Sunday, March 18 Longmont Area

Leader: Chris Owens   Meet leader at 8:00 am at Jim Hamm Natural Area
parking lot at County Line 

Road and 17th Avenue in east Longmont.  Bird until 1 or 2 pm.  From I-25
take Exit 240. To reach the 

park, go west four miles on CO 119 to Boulder-Weld County Line Road, then
north two miles to Jim 

Hamm Park at 17th Ave.   Joint trip with Boulder Bird Club.  303.772.6048 or


Good Birding,

Ira Sanders


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